Meditation on perseverance, decision, and refusal

Meditation on perseverance, decision, and refusal


I set the tone in 2017 when I decorated my arm with failure, dropped out, and chose the long road.

I persevered.

I set the tone in 2018 when I chose to come back and make it work at all costs, even if it meant living through Logan winters in a van.

I persevered.

I set the tone in 2022 when I crossed the first finish line but chose to go the extra mile and bite off a double major, even if it meant losing a promotion I had worked 2 years to establish. 

I persevered.

So here I am, with a 6 year meditation on perseverance coming to an end and 7 weeks to finish. 

One decision left.

So here I am, older than I should be in this dormitory, with a choice to make. A choice to make about what kind of effort I want to exit with.--and about what kind of tone I want to set.

One decision left.

The final round, the last bout, the last dance, with the last demon.

One decision left.

Joshua Weston Hill is not a quitter or a weak finisher.

I refuse.

To let any aspect of my performance dip below virtue and complete excellence.

I refuse.

To let my habits wain and falter in the tempest.

I refuse.

To tie up with my opponent in the last round and let the clock expire.

I am Joshua Weston Hill.

This is my meditation on perseverance, my manifesto of my decision, and my record refusing to give up.