Mood Scarlet

Aching the mahogany to her favourite song.
Salad slaying the whole meal.
Lifting mountains like pebbles.
Making it look easy.
Teasing the Ivory.
Musical noir.
(pssst She also likes Bon Iver)
Making it look easy.
Speaking Deliberately.
Laughing for the sake.
Eating bread for the carbs.
Making it look easy.
A little box with a rock inside wouldn't do it justice.
My stupid jokes like a loon.
My silly songs about mountains.
My insecurities.
Lovely flowers and well crafted evenings wouldn’t do it justice.
Her hair like a song.
Her heart like a bear.
Her smile like a sunset.
Her words like a luxury.
She makes Beauty look easy.
I don’t usually write about her...
You can’t ever do it justice.