Its dusk out and i need shoes on, a pair of ears too

A grass lawn, bigger than a neighborhood

Empty and filled

Of people and with paranoia

The mountains near drank the sun, what’s left was the sunken child who nursed a red sunset

The sky dusks a deeper blue to the east.

Hopefully when it spits the sun back the other side things will have changed.

But it gets darker here,

The crickets louder.

My silent tongue has my teeth resting heavy on my jaw from underuse

So much to say, with none to speak unto.

My job in customer service has me uttering thousands of paragraphs a day without a word said.

Not even so much the sun, or the vacant moon to talk to.

Not even a dusk dark enough to sport a star or two.

Just a scraped blue pallet, awaiting nightfall

Never-mind, i see the moon now

Holy shit a full moon, looks dope though.

Its massive and yellow. Like its face was a couple’s initials carved into an aspen tree, love long broken, left to rot and grow round... never forgotten

It was hiding its big eyes behind a suburban shanty— thats why i missed it

Last time i took these meds, i don’t remember the poems or the red cursive.

I just woke up and had to go to work again.

Jolene must’ve been a real bitch to leave Ray Lamontagne like that.

One year.

A rotation round the sunken sun has left me remembering a night dressed by one song — beach baby, bon iver

A song so drenched in blood, sweat, and cigarette fumes its hard to remember.

All it’ll go down as is my last time losing touch with reality. To others recollection; finding it

Its been a pretty low key fucking year.





... but i was totally chill and motivated by it...

Damn that moon.

Damn that dog that keeps barking its way into my tunes— dude please...

The sky’s cleaning out all its yellow now like a colored car wash on a Saturday morning

The one i missed when i medicated.

This poem was medicated, so lets see how much i remember.