You make me take too many walks.

I wanted to hurt that kid.
I was so angry at him.
I think I was angry at myself.
I think I was growing up.
I think you were scared.
I think I was scared. 

I think I am scared.

I'm scared that if it happens, I'll wake back up in that nightmare.
I'm scared to tell you ...
I'm scared that I won't meet someone better than you.
I'm scared that we'll go our separate ways.

I'm scared that you like someone else.
I'm afraid if I tell you I might cry.

I think we speak the same language.
I don't know why none of my words make it to you.

I love you.
I don't know why I do either.

I don't know why I get so poetic around you.

I don't know why I do this to myself.
