I guess here is my goodbye to all the people I once knew. We shared classes, songs, and laughs together. I’ll miss your faces when I walk the halls of our high school. When I watch a football game and I don’t see your faces up in the stands I’ll think of us. I’ll hope we get together but this truly is the end. Graduation told us to grow up. Graduation told us to go to college. Graduation told us to find new friends. Graduation told us to move on.
Time never said goodbye to me, why should I say goodbye to time? Time always wins. Time made me say goodbye to some and hello to others. Time slowed and sped up but it never stopped. The time conundrum that is life took me to limbo and back. Maybe the grave never actually waits for us. Maybe I've been too blunt with the poems i've written. Maybe the readers won't understand them. Maybe the poems don't understand me. Maybe Goodbyes are better unsaid. Sometimes the closure doesn't change anything anyways.