Demarco's Winter

One year ago...
Once upon a time...
My life could be described by a handful of songs
My entire story was already sung

That's why I can't listen to Mac anymore
No matter how depressed I try to be
I won't ever beat my low score

I'll never be as raw as I used to be
I'll never get to love someone like I could before
Words don't deck me in the face like they once did

I feel old
I feel callused
I am opaque

This life...
These meds... 
It's like I've been screaming since I left Logan with my mouth wired shut.

No highs anymore...
No lows...
Just a heart rate monitor reading a flatline on a"Suicide Success Story"

4 Months in the Mad house

When the smoke was finished making me spin
Four months ago
Something inside broke
Something Important

Not sure what happened that night
Beyond the gore...

Not sure what changed

I can't cry anymore

Four months since
I joined the Mad House

Four months since
The voices had their mouths sewn shut

Four minutes till
They come back with a vengeance